Corrosion Management In Refining

Having identified an opportunity in the UK sector to provide a comprehensive Oil & Gas Corrosion Control training program, we set about developing a set of inter-linking modules that combine relevant scientific theory with practical experience.

A few brief highlights from the Corrosion Management In Refining course contents;

  • Introduction, crude compositions & refinery overview.
  • Refinery corrosion mechanisms
  • Refinery processes overview per unit
  • Corrosion control & corrosion loops
  • Material Selection Principles
  • Integrity Management & Corrosion Monitoring

Course Overview/Syllabus can be seen here

Corrosion Management in Refining will be available in the coming months:

  1. Available as a self-paced on-line video course, with unlimited access
  2. Available as a face-to-face or on-line taught course.

Aimed at: Design Engineers, Procurement Engineers, Project/Construction Engineers, Inspection Personnel, Mechanical & Process Engineers, Inspection Supervisors, Corrosion Engineers & Metallurgists.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the various forms of corrosion and the specific mechanisms that result in each form
  • Define & understand the basic principles of electrochemical processes and concepts
  • Recognise the different types of corrosive environments & how they influence corrosion of certain materials
  • Give examples as to how and when to use corrosion control methods within design, materials selection, modification of environment, protective coatings, cathodic and anodic protection etc
  • Give examples of corrosion control by selection of design and engineering materials, modification of environment, cathodic and anodic protection, chemical addition & automation, and protective coatings etc
  • Discuss corrosion monitoring techniques using testing, inspection, specimen exposure, on-line corrosion monitoring, IOW’s, electrochemical methods, water chemistry, and analysis of deposits

Costs will be advertised when the course becomes available